10/05/2021 / By Ethan Huff
The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic has made it a breeze for educational institutions to install massive surveillance systems that can never be questioned because they are for people’s “safety,” and they are never going away because this is the “new normal.”
Part of academia’s “return to normalcy” involves tracking students’ every move, subjecting them to routine “testing,” and forcing them to get injected with “booster” shots for as long as they remain enrolled. This is the price that young people now have to pay in order to get an indoctrination (education).
As long as “cases” are still considered to be a valid metric by which policy is created and imposed, there will never be an end to all the Chinese Virus hysteria, nor will society or your local college campus ever return to being free.
Columbia University in New York City, for instance, has forbidden its students from hosting any guests or visiting residence halls other than their own. At any given time, students are not allowed to be around more than nine other people.
Administrations at the school claim that data they collected from “contact tracing” shows that viral transmission of Chinese Germs is being caused by “students socializing unmasked at gatherings in residence halls and at off-campus apartments, bars, and restaurants.”
Connecticut College has similar policies in place, not to mention mandatory “vaccination” for all students and faculty. In fact, most colleges and universities across the country no longer allow students on campus unless they can show proof of being jabbed.
Forced vaccination and mandatory social distancing are not enough, though. Many schools have imposed “Permanent Emergency” policies that will never be revoked, even if case counts were to drop to theoretical zero. There will always be some excuse to keep the tyranny in place.
“The perverse incentives are easy to grasp,” writes Michael Tracey on his Substack.
“These administrators have so much invested in the infrastructure of ‘case’ detection they’ve constructed over the past year and a half – not to mention the wider ideological project of ‘stopping the spread’ at all costs – that it’s impossible to imagine conditions under which they’d voluntarily move to dismantle the surveillance systems over which they preside.”
Not a single one of these campus fascists actually cares about saving lives. All they care about is power and control, and holding on to some perverse feeling of undue authority over their subjects, aka students.
“… the ability to micromanage the private lives of young adults, track and adjudicate the propriety of their movements, etc. – is probably creepily intoxicating on a level these administrators may not be overtly conscious of, and in any event would almost certainly never publicly admit,” Tracey says.
In order for anything to change for the better, every last tyrant would have to be removed from a position of power. Then, everyone’s collective understanding of how covid works would need to change, requiring a massive paradigm shift that more than likely will never happen.
“Benign instances of transmission – i.e. transmission that results in no severe disease, which is almost invariably the case with vaccinated young adults at astronomically low risk from COVID – would have to stop being portrayed as alarming ‘outbreaks,’ necessitating a never-ending stream of frenzied Zoom strategy meetings and swift, all-hands-on-decks interventionist tactics,” Tracey says.
“The very word outbreak would also probably have to be ditched, given its alarmist connotations. I would suggest instead that outbreak be applied to these frantic upswells of bureaucratic overreaction. Perhaps the epidemiological origins of this diseased mentality could be ‘contact traced.'”
The latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at Fascism.news.
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Tagged Under: academic, campus insanity, conspiracy, COVID, deception, fascism, infections, new normal, outbreak, Plandemic, privacy, public education, surveillance, traitors, Tyranny, watched