News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Elon Musk deletes all his Facebook accounts as #deletefacebook trend explodes worldwide
Social media giant Facebook is rapidly losing popularity following the news that the company allowed a political consulting firm known as Cambridge Analytica to harvest and misuse data collected from Facebook’s 50 million users. And spurring things along is Tesla founder Elon Musk, who recently announced on Twitter that he’s done with Facebook forever. Not […]
By Ethan Huff
Drugs as edible bar codes? Big Pharma is set to make billions more off our suffering
It apparently isn’t enough for the pharmaceutical cartels to hold a total monopoly on all things medicine. Emerging pharmaceutical research is now trying to embed QR codes inside drug pills that are capable of tracking whether or not people take their prescriptions – which means billions of dollars in new profits for drug companies. They’re […]
By Ethan Huff
CONFIRMED: Twitter collects all your nude pics and private photos, builds a profile and sells your data for profit
If it exists online and it’s “free,” chances are whoever owns it is collecting data points on how you use it and selling this information to third parties for profit. That’s the case with the social media platform Twitter, anyway, which Project Veritas recently exposed as a data-mining Trojan Horse that collects, analyzes, and exploits […]
By Ethan Huff
Real life sci-fi: Minority Report-style security system in China called “Dragonfly Eye” uses AI to identify criminals using a massive facial recognition database
When moviegoers spent more than $132 million at the box office to watch Tom Cruise in the film Minority Report play the role of a futuristic police officer who utilized artificial intelligence (AI) technology to arrest individuals for committing “pre-crimes,” many of them probably had no idea that this dystopian concept would one day make […]
By Ethan Huff
Did Cuba attack America? Evidence points to a mysterious attack using a sci-fi weapon system that projects voices into the skulls of victims
A strange phenomenon is occurring in the communist country of Cuba, where diplomats from the United States, Canada, and elsewhere are all reporting strange, yet similar, health problems related to their hearing and brain function. At first it was thought to be merely a coincidence, but because dozens of foreigners working in Cuba are now […]
By Ethan Huff
CONFIRMED: Obama used secret government surveillance on his political enemies during the 2016 election to help Hillary get elected
New evidence has emerged to show that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under Barack Obama did, in fact, wiretap former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders both before and after the 2016 election. According to reports, government officials under Obama had, indeed, listened in on Manafort’s private conversations, including those that […]
By Ethan Huff
IRS now cracking down on Bitcoin with tools that eliminate transaction anonymity
Questions continue to arise about the true anonymity of the popular online cryptocurrency Bitcoin. While many assume (or have been told by others) that Bitcoin is completely untraceable, new reports indicate that this may not actually be the case, as the blockchain ledgers are public and technically available to anyone who knows how to break […]
By Ethan Huff
Bitcoin transactions NOT anonymous, Princeton researchers discover; individual names can be linked to most payments
One of the benefits of cryptocurrency technologies like Bitcoin is that all transactions are supposed to be anonymous. But new evidence put forth by researchers from Princeton University suggests that hidden tracking cookies within the Bitcoin platform can actually link transactions directly to users via their activities across the rest of the web. Third-party tracking […]
By Ethan Huff
Facebook plan uncovered to SPY on users through their own smartphone cameras to analyze their facial expressions
The internet is buzzing with chatter about a new Facebook “feature” that allegedly peers into smartphone users’ eyes to detect their emotional states. The social media giant has reportedly filed a patent for the new technology which, should it be officially launched, would allow for more customized advertising tailored to people’s feelings. It’s a downright […]
By Ethan Huff
Wisconsin judge uses “future crime” technology to sentence defendant in alarming precedent
Is the Constitution’s guarantee under the 6th Amendment that a defendant accused of a crime has a right to know who’s accusing him, and for what reason, a human right worth preserving? A court in Wisconsin apparently doesn’t think so, having recently ruled on a case using proprietary computer software that determined a defendant to […]
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