News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
43 attorneys general urge FTC to take action on big tech competition, privacy
Forty-three state attorneys general sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), urging it to take action on big tech privacy and competition. (Article by Sean Moran republished from Forty-three attorneys general (AGs) sent a letter, obtained by Breitbart News, to the FTC ahead of its Wednesday hearing on competition and consumer protection, which will […]
By News Editors
Bone-chilling footage from inside China shows raw reality of enslavement tacitly supported by big tech
Chinese man describes the horror as best he can: “They’re eating our flesh and drinking our blood“. (Article by Daniel Taylor republished from This is the system that big tech companies are bowing to. Apple and Google have created a dangerous precedent for both business and press freedom in choosing to ally with the […]
By News Editors
Police ordered to stop interacting with nurses after illegally arresting nurse in Utah hospital
Following the arrest of a nurse after she refused to break the law and violate the rights of a patient, police are now being reprimanded by the hospital. Cops are no longer allowed to interact with nurses at the Utah hospital where the unprecedented incident took place. (Article by Dawn Luger republished from Footage of the incident, […]
By News Editors
How the Government conditions citizens to obey
Can you count how many ways the government manipulates people to be the type of citizen they can easily control? (Article by Anthony Wile republished from The Daily Bell) I think that would be impossible to come up with an actual number when every facet of government is dedicated to shaping the citizen in ways contrary to […]
By News Editors
Amazon wants you to put their new camera in your bedroom
Products like the Amazon Echo are proof of a strange new shift in our culture. Suddenly people are okay with having a device in their homes that they know is listening to them. They’re voluntarily inserting electronic devices into their private lives, which are capable of spying on them and sending the data to private […]
By News Editors
Your smart phone and computer are probably on the list of consumer electronics targeted by the CIA
Wikileaks has now posted “Identifying Hacking Targets of the CIA” which lists out “companies, products, tools, and terms that are mentioned in the Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed publication to date,” in order to inform people as to whether or not their smart phones, computers, gaming systems, television sets etc. can easily be turned […]
By News Editors
BREAKING: Latest Wikileaks dump reveals CIA hacking tools
Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named “Vault 7” by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency. Article by The first full part of the series, “Year Zero”, comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, […]
By News Editors
Newborn seized after “off-grid” parents refuse social security number
HEFLIN, Ala. — A couple is charging that social workers took their newborn the day after he was born because of their alternative lifestyle and religious beliefs. (Article by Daniel Jennings from “They said our view was dangerous,” Christian Holm said of social workers for the Cleburne County, Ala., Department of Human Resources (DHR). “We […]
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